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SHM Profiler sensor in mining and landslide areas

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the publication “Current problems of construction in mining and post-mining areas”. The publication, edited by Marian Kawulo, was published by the INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY and comprehensively presents issues related to the design of new as well as maintenance of existing construction facilities in mining areas. The issue of the safety of use of buildings by residents of mining communities is an important topic, to which the 4th CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION OBJECTS IN MINING AREAS was devoted.

The section of the publication on vertical displacement measurements compares displacement profiles using the SHM Profiler hydraulic sensor and the 3DSensor fiber optic sensor.

The operation of the SHM Profiler was verified during laboratory tests and during in situ installation under a road embankment. The sensor is dedicated especially to geotechnical applications (embankments, pipelines, roads, dams). Thanks to its unique properties, such as: very large measurement range (up to 9 m), very high deformability of the materials from which it is built (up to several hundred percent) and the ability to analyze displacements along lines of the order of 200 m, the sensor can be used in areas affected by mining or landslides.

The SHM Profiler is a hydraulic vertical displacement sensor adapted to perform continuous automatic measurements. It has a special, patented temperature autocompensation system, thanks to which it is possible to conduct measurements in construction conditions. It is worth remembering that failure to take into account the effect of temperature has often led to drawing erroneous conclusions from measurements performed with other devices.

More information about the SHM Profiler sensor

The publication is available on the bookstore’s website